Wednesday, June 9, 2010


"patience is a virtue; good things come to those who wait."

"you just have a different purpose now."

I feel better now :)

Monday, May 31, 2010

friendship 101

Go back to kindergarten and retake the course or grow the fuck up.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

's wonderful

Me time. Love it.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

i guess we're growing up

A friend of mine had told me once, "I'm sorry to say - it's sad but - your group of friends eventually shrinks and soon it'll be just one or two friends."

I guess I didn't think it would happen to me 'cause the word "friends" doesn't mean what it normally does with other people. Ever since I was little, my friends were always my family. Always. I know a lot of people say that, but with me I very much mean it. I don't even remember the last time I spent time with my mom, dad, or brother. "Spent time" as in seen them/talked to them for more than 10 minutes. My family has no idea what my favorite color is, what I do during the day, they don't know the kind of music I like, or my favorite movies...I guess that's why I'm super attached to my friends.

That's why I always hold Christmas parties - with my real family, I never get a chance to see that many gifts under a tree or open presents in one big group and see that many excited faces all at once.

That's why I always want as many people to be together. When someone's missing, it's like someone missing at the dinner table - it's quieter and there's obviously someone missing.

And I guess that's why I feel like the youngest in the family of friends and everyone's moving away.

Everyone's got other things on the side, which is cool. I'm proud of every single one of you. I'm happy for you guys, too.

I guess it just hit me hard. I'm the only one that holds this much weight in the group as a whole. I'm not saying it's not important for anyone else. I know you guys love the group. But you also have relationships outside of the group, whether it be siblings, a significant other, work friends, school friends, a momma or papa. I just don't have anything else.

I know this may seem like I'm overreacting or I'm psychotic or being emotional. But please try to understand. There's been a change, even if it's a slight one. And it's affecting me more than you know.

After writing this, I realize it may sound like I'm asking for everything to go back to the way things used to be. But that's not being realistic. We're growing up. Our lives are changing. I just gotta change too. I need to start building new relationships outside of the bubble I've been living in. Maybe then I'll also have "something else", you know?

I just want you guys to know that you're still my family and I miss you guys very much.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

just ain't gonna work out

There's nothing there.
There's nothing there.
There's. Nothing. There.

Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Zero.

...This is what I've been telling myself for years. I don't want it to be true, but it's proven itself twice before. Each time hurting more than the last.

There will be no third time...because there is nothing there.

There is nothing there. There is nothing there. There is nothing there.

I figure if I say it over and over again, maybe I'll stop picking up on the little things that you say that make me remember before, or stop missing how it used to be, or act differently when you're around.

I need to stop.

...because I want to be in a better place than I am now. I want to talk to you. I miss talking to you. I wish we could be friends.

But we can't until I stop wanting something to be there.

So how am I going to do that? I've only thought of one way - to not be there. I don't know if that makes sense or not.

I think I just don't want to deal with the fact that I was just another one on the list, you know? 'Cause I'm all too familiar with being just another one on the list. And every time I see you that's what I remember and that's how I feel about myself. It's not good for me.

One more thing. I only ask that you please act normal around me. I'm still the same person, even though at times I hide from you...I guess I'm just waiting for you to send that signal telling me, "It's okay. We can be friends again."

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

must i remind you?

High school is over.

Stay out of it.

...and heeeere we go again

fool me once, shame on you
fool me twice, shame on me
fool me a third time?

no such thing.